Posts in 2022

  • Test your cloud-native IaC in your browser with the Terrascan Sandbox

    Friday, December 09, 2022 in 2022

    Terrascan is open-source software from Tenable that scans infrastructure-as-code (IaC) for security misconfigurations and violations before the code is provisioned into cloud-native infrastructure. Now, you can try Terrascan right from your browser …

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  • Securely scanning Argos pipelines with policy as code

    Wednesday, December 07, 2022 in 2022

    Among their many advantages, GitOps pipelines enable teams to run automated security tests using codified policies. Since your Git repository reflects your infrastructure configurations, scanning your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) repository is a …

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  • Improving Kubernetes Security

    Monday, November 14, 2022 in 2022

    Given the mind-boggling rate of innovation and adoption of cloud native technologies, the Terrascan team at Tenable has resolved to help cloud native development teams identify and mitigate more vulnerabilities than ever. Terrascan provides a great …

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